Monthly Archives: November 2013

An Opportunity for Authors to Promote Their Books


Buying Books Pic

All authors need exposure for their books. Unfortunately, this isn’t easy to get.

It’s rare that a free promotional opportunity comes by that requires very little effort, so when one does, you want to notice it and take advantage of it.

Black Friday is almost here. It seems like there should be a great promotional opportunity here, doesn’t it? But with all the sales of electronics, toys, and clothing that are heavily advertised for this occasion, books are likely to go largely unnoticed.

If only there was a day like this just for book lovers. Oh, but there is: It’s called Read Tuesday and will make its debut on December 10, 2013.

This is a great promotional opportunity for authors (and a great buying opportunity for readers, and a great gifting opportunity for the holidays):

  • Participation is free, so what do you have to lose?
  • Effort is minimal. Just…

View original post 322 more words

Dun Writin’—Now Whut? A series by Susan Uttendorfsky – Owner of Adirondack Editing – (03 THAT’s the Problem in Revising)

How To Write a Life

All That's Written ...

“Doesn’t every life has it’s hidden treasures?” Lucy smiles as a writer tries out a new way. “Aren’t all human lives the stuff of stories untold? Why not become that avatar, take on that persona and let it be its life you narrate, while keeping both egos in balance with each other. Can the persona be the interesting layer over the human one? Isn’t that why she chose that one for well founded reasons?” Lucy looks aside to peek into the kitchen where a creature is busy in the kitchen preparing a meal from whatever bits remain in the fridge and cupboards. She shakes her head and smiles decidedly happy. Getting up from that comfy couch she does a small hop skip. “Yes, very satisfying and not odd at all. Dialogue is a part of life and narration too, should this then not be livewriting instead of musing?” Sat again…

View original post 56 more words

Just 2 Weeks to Read Tuesday

Get ready for fantastic fun and loads of quality bargains to be had!

Cover Reveal! Legends of Windemere: Allure of the Gypsies by Charles Yallowitz

Jo Robinson

Allure Final Cover

Legends of Windemere: Allure of the Gypsies

The epic adventures of Luke Callindor and Nyx continue after their journey down the L’Dandrin River in Legends of Windemere: Prodigy of Rainbow Tower.

Reeling from his failures in their previous adventure, Luke leads his surviving friends to his hometown. With his mind frayed and his confidence fractured, Luke must face the family and fiancée he left behind. It is a brief homecoming when the vampire Kalam attacks the village, forcing Luke and Nyx to break into his lair for the key to resurrecting a fallen warrior. It is a quest that will force both young heroes to reach new heights of strength and power that they never knew they had.

Can Luke and Nyx escape the lair of Kalam? And, what role will the orphaned gypsy Sari play in their looming destiny?

Release Date- December 1st, 2013

Previous Books-

Beginning of a…

View original post 155 more words

Feed My Reads Magazine

Fraser Stoopman introduces the first ever Feed My Reads magazine:

“Welcome to the first ever Feed My Reads magazine and a massive thanks for
checking this out.

Firstly let me just explain a little about Feed My Reads for those who don’t as
yet know of us –
Feed My Reads was setup in July of 2013 in order to create a community
where authors, bloggers, illustrators, publishers, readers and more could all
come together and get to know each other better and keep up to date with all
that is going on in the book world.
Since we started Feed My Reads we have been able to bring great content and
to grow our family of accounts to ensure that we are in place to deliver even
better stuff for book lovers all around the world.

Why are we now looking to bring you a magazine?
At Feed My Reads we believe in doing things in a new way and also to make it
so we are inclusive rather than exclusive. As part of this way of thinking it is
important for us to remember that those who love books need to be able to
look over the news and information as and when they get a chance to and so a
magazine is a perfect way to deliver this for them. “

Enjoy the read, and see how to sign up for your future copies.


20 Questions about Reading or Writing

Read Tuesday


Nicua Shamira

Just released by inspiring South African author and poet – a must have!