The Book of Forgiving – Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu – NEW RELEASE

Desmond Mpilo Tutu won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 and was only the second black person ever to receive it. In 1986 he was elected archbishop of Cape Town, the highest position in the Anglican Church in South Africa. In 1994, after the end of apartheid and the election of Nelson Mandela, Tutu was appointed as chair of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate apartheid-era crimes. His policy of forgiveness and reconciliation has become an international example of conflict resolution, and a trusted method of postconflict reconstruction. He is currently the chair of The Elders, where he gives vocal defense of human rights and campaigns for the oppressed.

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner, Chair of The Elders, and Chair of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission, along with his daughter, the Reverend Mpho Tutu, offer a manual on the art of forgiveness—helping us to realize that we are all capable of healing and transformation.
Tutu’s role as the Chair of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission taught him much about forgiveness. If you asked anyone what they thought was going to happen to South Africa after apartheid, almost universally it was predicted that the country would be devastated by a comprehensive bloodbath. Yet, instead of revenge and retribution, this new nation chose to tread the difficult path of confession, forgiveness, and reconciliation.
Each of us has a deep need to forgive and to be forgiven. After much reflection on the process of forgiveness, Tutu has seen that there are four important steps to healing: Admitting the wrong and acknowledging the harm; Telling one’s story and witnessing the anguish; Asking for forgiveness and granting forgiveness; and renewing or releasing the relationship. Forgiveness is hard work. Sometimes it even feels like an impossible task. But it is only through walking this fourfold path that Tutu says we can free ourselves of the endless and unyielding cycle of pain and retribution. The Book of Forgiving is both a touchstone and a tool, offering Tutu’s wise advice and showing the way to experience forgiveness. Ultimately, forgiving is the only means we have to heal ourselves and our aching world.

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6 thoughts on “The Book of Forgiving – Desmond Tutu and Mpho Tutu – NEW RELEASE

  1. philipparees July 13, 2014 at 9:23 am Reply

    Reblogged this on INVOLUTION: Science and God: Mavericks and Inspiration and commented:
    This seems to demand dissemination! via Jo Robinson.


    • jorobinson176 July 13, 2014 at 9:34 am Reply

      Thanks so much for sharing Philippa – I’m sure that this one will definitely be disseminated. 🙂


  2. philipparees July 13, 2014 at 9:25 am Reply

    I have reblogged this on involution-an odyssey


  3. Whenever I have seen Archbiship Tutu in broadcasts he always seems to have an air of calm that surrounds him. I have always admired him and his quiet determination which I am sure intensifies behind the scenes. I would also imagine that he is a hard man to say ‘no’ to. Thanks Jo – yet another great post.


  4. M T McGuire December 20, 2014 at 10:54 pm Reply

    I love the artwork. The pencil drawings, especially, are just fab.


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